We are home from San Fran.We got here a little before midnight. Surgery went well, and they got home dilated to a little larger than the width of a pen. Small, but still progress. When he woke up, it was the best so far this time. They had Spongebob waiting on t.v for him and a yummy popsicle he was able to enjoy. They had to poke him about 8 or so times for an IV until again, getting one in the neck, but he was asleep before they gave the IV. One interesting keepsake we walked away with...a penny they found lodged in Brayton's esophagus! Yup, you heard it right! It's really common for children with his defect to get things lodged since the space there is so small. Things that children without this defect would just be able to swallow down, get stuck for some of these children. Brayton is like a little vacuum, trying to eat up everything on the ground, and I thought I was pretty dang good at catching him when he tried to sneak one by me. I missed this one!
It didn't affect him in any way and he could breathe with it just fine but it's still a little mind boggling to me!

His next surgery is next Friday at 9am.
After surgery, since Brayton was in such good spirits, and our friend came along with us and had been at the Family House the majority of the day, we decided to stop at Pier 39 before heading home. We had icecream cones, and looked at the boats, water, different shops, performers, etc. It was sunny & windy and felt good. It was a bummer that Destiny couldnt be there but every time I go to San Fran, it's either a school day and I dont want her to miss so I leave her with her dad or it's his custodial day and she can't go. Im going to upload some pics later from the surgery but right now, I'm ready for bed! Night!
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