Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Onto another chapter

Alot has happened since my last post. Child Welfare, Brayton broke his foot, increased SF trips...pure insanity! My computer is down with a virus, so I'm using a friend's laptop so ignore the typos if I miss them, since I'm not used to the little keys.

We missed two appointments with UCSF due to Nikiya ending up with impetigo and also our car being in the shop with bad brakes and rotos, that ended up costing us $600. San Fran called and gave us a hard time about missing those appointments, and said if we missed anymore, they were calling Child welfare on us. I was irate, and insulted. We have an upcoming appointment this Friday for a dilation for Brayton, and they had told us as long as we made it, they wouldnt call them. They called them anyways and I met with the Child Welfare lady today. I was so nervous but I had nothing to worry about. Im so relieved! San Fran & CWS explained that basically they were brought into this situation to hopefully be able to help with resources in making sure we get Brayton to these surgeries. Although it's in a negative light, they aren't juding or looking at our parenting, which they expressed wasnt even in question. That made me feel a lot better. The case will be closed in a month as long as we are able to make it to all of his appointments. UCSF informed me today though, that we will now be taking Brayton for surgery every week! This is going to really be tight, but we will get through it. We have so many wonderful, supportive people in our lives! Thank you to all of my fellow FC's and all of my other friends who have supported us through everything.I am trying to figure somebody I trust to come to SF and stay with me to watch Nikiya at the Family House so I can admit Brayton to the hospital and stay with him so that we will be there for all of the dilations since they are now so frequent. Rick would have to stay here to work. The only person Im comfortable doing that with is my mom or sister, so we are trying to figure something out. It seems like the only logical thing to do financially but I'm still not sure if that is possible at this point. So, thats the recent scoop on the days of our lives ;)

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