Monday, June 7, 2010


So today's surgery went well. They told Rick today that they wanted Brayton's esophagus to reach 32-34 in their measurements. Today, it is 32! They said it was much easier to stretch and it went well. They told us there will be 2 more months of dilations to try to train his esophagus to stay open. That's the tricky part. They also said we can start trying to give his Pediasure by mouth. They switched the string on his face to a white, thicker string. I havent' seen it yet since I had to stay home this time, but hopefully it looks a little better. The string was starting to attach to his nose, and looked painful so I'm hoping they switched nostrils as well. I am so happy that they made progress, and that we have an estimated time frame for this time be over with. Of course, things can totally change, but I'll enjoy this moment for now.

I went & finally got my driver's permit today! I am so happy! I got to drive with a friend earlier, and now I'm making an appointment for the driver's test. I can't wait. No more having to depend on others!!

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