Friday, December 31, 2010

He's done it again!

Since my last post, there have been a lot of ups and downs, but once sweet boy has proven to everybody that he is a fighter! He has a lot to live for, and people who love him more than anything, and he pulled through it all. After almost a month on the ventilator, he is off of the ventilator, better of oxygen altogether! They performed a spit fistula on him, and after that he seemed to improve slowly, but steadily. He is still in the hospital but was taken off the nasal canula yesterday and has been doing great without the oxygen. He only has 1 chest tube in place, the other was removed, and is only on one antiobiotic. No pain meds anymore. They weaned him off of all of the narcotics (methadone, phentanyl, versed, etc) They let him wake up right before Christmas. The best Christmas gift we could have ever asked for. He is on the regular pediatric floor now, and no longer in the PICU. All of the surgeons and Dr's are pleased with his progress, and surprised that he made it. He was so extremely sick that everybody thought the worst. Thankfully he proved them wrong. I can't wait to be home, and have all of my family together again. He will need surgeries in the future to try and reconstruct an esophagus out of intestine or something else, but the surgeons said we'd discuss that further at a later date.

He is smiling, laughing, and interacting with us. He is our miracle, and I thank God for this strong, sweet man every day. I am also so grateful for all of the wonderful friends and family who have supported us during these times, the prayers, the gifts, the friendship, the love. All of it. I couldn't have asked for more.


  1. i am so happy that he is improving. you have many positive thoughts coming at you from our corner of the world!

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